Sunday, 8 December 2013

Postnatal Xmas Bash 2013

 Decorating fairy cakes
 ...and Gingerbread men
 Remember, Mr & Mrs Clause in postnatal bash 2011, here they are 2 years later
 I managed to get 10 of 'em!
From back, Lawrence, Holly, William, Jemima, Lois, Tommy, Zander, Macy, Grace and Sophie
 Secret Santa
Secret Santa prezzies

Visit to Santa

We visited Santa today at Plowman's Garden Centre, West Parley.  Fantastic train ride through twinkling lights and displays of hundreds of toys and then finishing off by meeting the main man!

Whoops not updated for a while!!

 Ready for whatever life throws at her!
 Sophie at her best friend Bella's 3rd birthday party
 Enjoying the sunshine in Nanny & Grandad Hoole's luxury pool!
 Merry Go Round with Uncle Wayne - Blair Drummond
 ...and next to Blair Drummond Safari Park were the best bouncy pillows ever
Out with Granny & Grandad Emm on the Seaton Tram

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Honeybrook Farm

Picnicking with Kealy, Alister, Chloe, Jody, Sonny-Joe and Cerrie taking the pic!

  1. 9

Monday, 29 July 2013

You have received a new message




Sophie and Chloe at Chloe's 4th birthday party


You have received a new message



Adventure Wonderland 29/7/13

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Friday, 26 July 2013

Some recent pics

Sophie with birthday girl Lola before her 5th birthday disco

Aargh, cooling down in the garden

Sophie and her new "Great, Big Minnie"

Face painting after Jess & Freya's party

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Walking the Gruffalo Trail

On Easter Monday, we visited Moors Valley Gruffalo Trail

Selecting the perfect pine cone!
...and depositing it in the hole in the log....again!
Poor old Soph's not quite big enough for the play trail yet!

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter 2013

Sophie was a very lucky girl and received lots of eggs for Easter.
Here are pictures of Sophie before it got very messy!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Sophie's Early Birthday

 Sophie and her new bike
Loving the chocolate ears and bow from her Minnie Mouse giant cupcake!

Lola the horsey!


Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Winter walk

We took advantage of the lovely sun on Saturday to go for a puddle splashing walk

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

On yer bike!

There's no excuse for Mummy to get cycling now Sophie is all kitted out! It took a very long time to get her out of her buggy on Sunday.  Apparantly it's Sophie's house!